Furnaces Articles

Why Is the Furnace Pilot Light Going Out?

December 16, 2024
Why Is the Furnace Pilot Light Going Out?

If you ever hear your gas furnace turn on but cannot feel any warm air blowing from the vents inside your North Dakota home, chances are the pilot light went out.

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How to Lower Your Winter Heating Bill

November 15, 2024
How to Lower Your Winter Heating Bill

Wintertime is here. That means your family will be spending more time indoors to stay warm.

Let’s face it: running your furnace gets expensive. Heating alone accounts for over 40 percent of the average American’s utility bill, according to a US Department of Energy (DOE) analysis. Staying warm can be a costly proposition.

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What Are Signs I Need a New Furnace?

October 15, 2024
What Are Signs I Need a New Furnace? Smiling parents with little kids laughing using smartphone together sitting on couch at home. Happy father holding phone taking selfie with children. Family watching video having fun with cellphone.

A furnace is a major investment for any Jamestown homeowner. Although it’s not something that will need to be done frequently, most people will face the decision of needing to purchase a new heating system sometime during home ownership.

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What Is a Dual Fuel Heating System?

February 15, 2024
What Is a Dual Fuel Heating System? Women looking at device with serious expression.

So, you’re thinking about upgrading your North Dakota heating and cooling system. Have you ever heard of dual fuel? 

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How Do I Keep My Heat During Extreme Cold Weather?

December 13, 2023
How Do I Keep My Heat During Extreme Cold Weather? - Mature couple sat infront of a fire drinking hot chocalate from mugs.

We receive countless calls every time the temperatures drop below normal ranges, as homeowners here in Jamestown encounter problems with their home’s heating system.

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Why Won’t My Furnace Stop Running?

November 15, 2023
Why Won’t My Furnace Stop Running? Mature adult man working at home.

Is your furnace blowing air without pause? If so, you’re probably feeling a bit concerned. First, your Courtenay house most likely feels like an oven. On top of that, your utility bill will be considerably higher with your furnace constantly running. Believe it or not, this is a fairly common problem our professionals at Heartland Heating and Cooling see frequently, so you don’t need to worry.

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Schedule Your Annual Furnace Inspection Now

September 20, 2023
Schedule Your Annual Furnace Inspection Now - Handsome African American construction foreman or building contractor stands in front of home that is being built for charity. Volunteers are working on the home in the background. He hsi wearing a hard hat

What’s at the top of your fall to-do list? Make sure it is your furnace. 

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Why Isn’t My Furnace Heating My Entire Home?

March 15, 2023
Image of someone wrapped in a blanket. Why Isn’t My Furnace Heating My Entire Home?

If your furnace seems to be producing heat inconsistently around your Courtenay home to you, you’re not alone.

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What to Do When Your Furnace Is Leaking Water

February 16, 2023
A gold liquid. What to Do When Your Furnace Is Leaking Water.

We take great pride in offering practical solutions that add comfort and safety to your Jamestown home or business.

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Why Is My Furnace Filter Soggy?

January 18, 2023
A furnace filter. Why Is My Furnace Filter Soggy?

You have just inspected your air filter, only to find it is sopping wet! Thoughts begin to race through your head, and you ask yourself, Is my furnace breaking down?

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When Should You Replace Your Furnace?

November 14, 2022
Image of someone working on a furnace. When Should You Replace Your Furnace?

Your furnace plays the key role in keeping you warm in your Jamestown home, but even with routine maintenance, it does not last forever. Nobody wants to think about replacing any major household system, but it’s generally more cost effective to be proactive in your thinking about it.

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6 Ways Your Furnace Keeps You Safe

February 22, 2022
furnace keeps you safe

From our team here at Heartland Heating & Cooling in Jamestown, here are six ways your furnace is working to ensure your safety.

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Why Is My Furnace Blowing Cold Air?

January 14, 2022
why is my furnace blowing cold air?

Did you finally turn your furnace on this winter only to have cold air blowing out of your vents? Or did your furnace stop working just when you started to need it most? There are a few reasons your furnace may be blowing cold air, and there a few things to check before you need to worry too much. 

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5 Reasons to Schedule a Fall Furnace Clean and Check

September 19, 2021
5 Reasons to Schedule a Fall Furnace Check

As the leaves change color here in North Dakota, our team at Heartland Heating & Cooling is preparing for an important time of the year—furnace inspection season. 

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